Hall, Nancy

Nancy Hall – Stone Lake, WI | Painting/Drawing

I grew up painting “at my mother’s knee”. I learned watercolors at an early age and it is my preferred medium. I have a really hard time painting anything realistic so, I just let the paint flow and I follow. I am fully in partnership with the paint and I let it lead. The artist who has most inspired me is Turner. Not his early works but the late ones when I am sure he was suffering from maculear degeneration, thus the impressionist images. I paint really fast, in the flow as they say. Sometimes it works out and other times not. I never know what I am going to paint. I follow the paint and that is the creative thrill that I experience. My work is in the collection of several individuals and corporations, but frankly I am not good at marketing so I have no prizes, etc. Like most serious artists, I just want to do the work.